Implement security measures ahead of festive season

Criminals are aware that social gatherings generally mean easy pickings and easy targets.

With the festive season fast approaching, the shimmer of tinsel and baubles has already started hitting the shops.

“Most residents have already booked their holiday destinations and are starting to look forward to the much-needed break. What many of us haven’t thought about yet are things like house-sitters, dog-sitters, checking security systems, and so on. Now would be a good time to start doing some preparation,” says Fidelity ADT’s national marketing and communications manager, Charnel Hattingh.

Firstly, she says, check your security system. “This is quick and easy and can be done over the phone with your security provider. Test your alarm, as well as your panic buttons and beams. If you pick up any issues then schedule a service,” she advises.

Having a house-sitter is a good option, especially if you plan to be away for an extended period of time. “What is most important is booking someone early who you trust and then making sure they understand your security set-up. Arrange a time to do a walk-through of the property and go through any questions either of you may have. Make sure the house-sitter also has a list of emergency numbers available which must include your security provider.”

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The same applies to a dog-sitter. “Many people find someone who comes to the house once or twice a day to feed the pets but doesn’t necessarily stay over in the house. Once again book someone early who you trust and take them through the security must-knows.”

If you are planning get-togethers during the festive season, Hattingh highly recommends using a casual guard to keep everyone safe. “The reality exists that criminals are aware that social gatherings generally mean easy pickings and easy targets. Sometimes the mere presence of a security guard is enough to deter would-be criminals. This year we have seen a lot of opportunistic crimes when people are entering their driveways and a proactive guard presence can do much to minimise this threat,” she says.

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Casual guarding services are generally in high demand during the holidays, particularly for work parties during November and early December and residential parties during December. “If you believe you may need a guard, be sure to book one earlier rather than later to avoid disappointment. Now is a good time to get everything in order ahead of the end-of-year rush,” concludes Hattingh.


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