Blood drive at Kuswag today

Read here and see if you meet the minimum requirements to be a blood donor

In light of the dire need to increase blood stocks, a blood drive is being held at Kuswag Skool today (Saturday, 15 September) from 9am to 2pm.


The South African National Blood Service’s (SANBS) current blood stock is at 3.2 days.


Donating a unit of this precious gift saves those in dire need of blood. Thousands of patients would die daily if there was insufficient quality blood in stock. A unit of blood can save up to three lives as blood is separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets.


Currently, only one in every approximate 140 people are blood donors. This means South Africa is almost always close to running out of blood stocks, placing thousands of lives at risk.


Minimum requirements to be a blood donor:


The SANBS screening test ensures your blood pressure and haemoglobin levels are within a safe range for you to donate.

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