Enjoy ‘paw’some road trips with your dog

Follow this advice and keep your pet as happy as can be while travelling.

The transition of dogs from ‘watchdog’ and ‘guard dog’ to a member of the family that enjoys all comforts of its owner’s home (and more) is more evident today than ever before.

This is great news for dogs, but this does mean that a little more planning and preparation is needed to ensure your hounds are also prepared for when you are travelling.

Read also: Create healthy snacks for your dog

“Generally speaking, dogs enjoy a road trip as much as we do, especially if they’ve been part of the travel fun from a young age,” says Dominique Kuhlmann, General Manager of the Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa (PFI).

“And for those that are new to the travel game, there are thankfully various ideas that owners can make use of to make their pets more comfortable on the road.”

Take as much of what makes their ‘home’ with you

Dogs thrive on routine, and while your trip will disrupt this, travelling with all the comforts of home will assist in adjusting to the new situation.

“Be sure to pack his favourite blanket, toys and his own feeding dishes. Especially important is your dog’s regular food to avoid any possible digestive disturbances that switching may cause. And although most foods are stocked nationally, it is possible that your more remote destinations may not have what you’re looking for, so be sure to check this ahead of time,” recommended Kuhlmann.

A pre-trip check-up

Seeing the vet before a long journey with your pets is never a bad idea. Certain vaccinations may be required for the destination and the vet should give your dogs the ‘all clear’ for travel.

“It’s also a good opportunity to discuss sedative options for nervous and restless traveller or car sickness remedies,” said Kuhlmann.

Travel with your pets’ veterinary certificates and be well-prepared with additional equipment to make the journey and holiday a safe, relaxed and comfortable one, such as:

Research, plan and prepare

In your planning stages you will want to ensure that your destination is pet-friendly. Once there, your dog should wear a sturdy collar with an information disc containing your contact details (especially your cellphone number).

Microchips are becoming the most popular method of identification, but a tag offers an immediate solution, and owners can often be located before needing to take the pet to the vet to read the microchip. It’s also a good idea to travel with a photo of your pet in case he gets lost.

A quick walk before you depart and regular stops

On the day of travel it is recommended to get a walk in before you depart. Only feed a small meal a few hours before you leave to limit the effect of car sickness. Be prepared to stop often, to allow your dog to toilet and stretch his legs but secure your pet on a leash before opening any door.

Offer him small amounts of water at regular intervals to prevent dehydration. Although your dog may love sticking his head out of the window, it is not recommended – the risk of injury is high, with debris and insects flying by, cold wind being forced into their lungs and electric window controls easily stepped on.

Monitor the car’s temperature

Finally, be aware of the temperature in the car. Blankets may be needed in cold temperatures. Opened windows or air conditioners (with vents in reach of your dog) are needed when travelling in very hot weather. Never leave your pet in the car as the car’s internal temperature could rise to fatal levels very quickly.

Read also: Don’t leave dogs in hot cars


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