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Savage dog attack sees pitbull put down

There has been no apology, no trying to adequately contain dogs.

EDITOR – How do you adequately speak for an animal?

To begin they are innocent victims in a strange world.

They love us unconditionally but often are not heard, nor are their rights protected. I feel I must speak out for my beloved pitbull who was savagely attacked over a six foot wall, for the third time.

There was no help from the police nor SPCA and our girl defecated as her face was savaged by a neighbour’s dog.

My husband and I had to put our beautiful girl down. There has been no apology, nor an attempt to adequately contain their dogs. We must take all responsibility.

Our dog was loved and walked and slept on our bed. She was more than a dog, rather a best friend and both annoyed and stole people’s hearts.

Dogs give us everything. They love and protect us so surely we owe them adequate fencing, food, water and mostly love? Power breeds that are mismanaged turn into monsters. It doesn’t have to happen but it is our fault as humans.

We will miss our special friend.


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