Dealing with the stress of Christmas

In theory Christmas is a time filled with joy and celebration.

This is joyous holiday when you get together with loved ones and catch up, exchange gifts and generally have a good time.

Unfortunately, in practice, it can be a time of great stress and unhappiness. There is so much to do and organise. Sometimes getting together with your extended family can be uncomfortable and even painful.

Here is a plan that will help you to relax a little more this Christmas and hopefully a good time will be had by all.

Christmas shopping. Don’t leave everything until the last moment. Rushing will just make you tired and more stressed.

Christmas cooking. Again planning is very important. You don’t have to do it all yourself. Ask members of your family to bring something along. This way the chore is shared among many and everyone can feel like they have contributed.

Dealing with the unpleasant relatives. At Christmas time we can be thrown together with people we are uncomfortable with. Do your best to be pleasant to them. Alcohol can increase your emotional reactions to any situation so only drink in moderation.


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