Warm welcome to Sapphire Coast visitors

To those who have worked so hard to uplift our community during the past year, a great big thank you

“Is it just me, or was it merely in the blink of an eye that we find ourselves yet again celebrating Christmas and the end of 2017?,” asks ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge.

“In browsing the year’s events, one stands in the first instance astounded by the forces of nature that once again ripped our town apart, but bonded us as a community. We caution patience and indulgence until the industry resumes and repairs commence in the new year.

We are further reminded of our mortality in the faces of smiling parents at the birth of a child who is already entering secondary school, of completed studies and entering the adult world, of grieving tears next to an open grave for a loved one that died too soon.

But as they say, life goes on – yet with a difference, as the worst day on the East Coast is still better than the best day in Gauteng! Our beaches are warm and inviting, our waters are cool and refreshing, our people are a jolly and welcoming crowd… Eat! Drink! Be merry!

As much as our community extends a warm welcome to all our visitors and while we trust your stay to be a safe and pleasant one, we ask that you also assist our community by abiding the law. We also need our sleep to be able to stand ready for you in the morning. We would appreciate if you could use the bins for the litter. If you would not discharge fireworks at all times of the day and night as our pets are just as nervous as yours at home. If you would not speed or drink while driving and accept that we are still within the borders of the country where we drive and park on the left-hand side of the road.

To those who have worked so hard to uplift our community during the past year, a great big thank you, as nothing would be possible without our community’s participation. As we bid farewell to 2017, we wish one and all a peaceful festive season – may the blessings of our Lord be with you and may 2018 be filled with joy and prosperity!”

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