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6 things NOT to buy your wife for Christmas

Buying gifts for their wives is commonly not men’s strongest suit.

There are hundreds of articles in the media that suggest what husbands should get their wives, yet men tend to step into the same traps whether out of laziness or just plain ignorance. So here are six Christmas gifts not to buy her:

  1. Cookware – This might perpetuate the stereotype that woman should be barefoot in the kitchen. Furthermore it is impersonal.
  2. Something you want – She will call you out anyway if she excitedly opens up ‘her’ gift only to find Black Sabbath’s greatest hits or The Complete Vietnam War DVD set.
  3. Underwear – Women have very specific taste when it comes to clothes so rather get her a gift-card for underwear.
  4. Gym membership – This one is obvious. She’ll think you think she is fat. Period.
  5. Appliances or cleaning supplies– Although she might have been complaining the whole year about the old microwave, appliances are for the home and not her. Vacuum cleaners and their ilk are necessities that should be budgeted for.
  6. Nothing – If you really don’t know, ask her best friend, but whatever you do don’t give her nothing. Rather get her the wrong present – at least she will appreciate the gesture.

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