Scenic nature setting for Probus meeting

Interested visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann Theron during working hours at 083-312-5360.

THE next meeting of the Probus Amanzimtoti social club takes place on Friday, 6 October at 9.30am for 10am in the safe, beautiful and tranquil surrounds of Umbogavango Nature Reserve in Umbogintwini.

An interesting speaker will be provided for the enjoyment of members and for the bring-and-braai after the meeting, members should take along their own cups, meat, salads and refreshments.

Members are also asked to pay for their new name tags and for the Christmas lunch at the Amanzimtoti Golf club on Friday, 1 December if they have not already done so.

Probus is a social club for retired or semi-retired professional people over the age of 50 years. Membership is by invitation for singles and couples living in the greater Amanzimtoti area who enjoy meeting new people and socialising with their peers.

Interested visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann Theron during working hours on 083-312-5360. New members and visitors will be required to check their names are on the gate security list to ensure access to the reserve.

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