New doors open for The Elders Voice

The Elders Voice has found a house to rent in Burne Road, Athlone Park and is ready to start its first home to sustain and care for the forgotten and frail pensioners.

THE Elders Voice’s plea for help is being answered by the Amanzimtoti community, with generous donations pouring in to assist the frail seniors in need.
The Elders Voice, a local NGO that devotes its time to assisting the elderly in need, will be opening a home for their more desperate cases.

The Elder’s Voice started in February this year, after Joanne Mocke Herbst spent months of working with the elderly. Passionate about fighting the plight of older people, founder, Joanne, explained why it is a cause residents should get involved in.

Read more about the Elder’s Voice: Lend a helping hand to the elderly 

“I came across a high frequency of physical, emotional abuse and money extortion from the elderly and frail in our community, and I knew I had to do something,” explained Joanne.
Earlier this week, the organisation turned to the community to call for help in any way and donations of almost everything.

Joanne Mocke Herbst, founder of The Elder’s Voice.


“The Elders Voice KZN urgently needs help from our community,” wrote founder Joanne Mocke Herbst in a post on Facebook group, Amanzimtoti Trader on Monday, 14 August.

“I have witnessed more heartache, tears, starvation and sleeping on the floors by our elderly. I have looked into eyes that are soul-dead due to the lack of love. I have witnessed our frail oldies wanting to give up on life, as every day is a struggle to survive.”

After months of tears and frustration which stemmed from the abuse of the elderly, The Elders Voice has found a house to rent in Burne Road, Athlone Park and is ready to start its first home to sustain and care for the forgotten and frail pensioners.

Joanne admitted that the most difficult part is finding assistance to open the first home and she believes sustaining it will be far easier.
“After months of planning we’ve come up with one easy concept,” said Joanne. “Get oldies together in one home where they can take part in shared living and no longer have to live in the most horrendous conditions and starve daily.”

The team from The Elders Voice will manage the home on a daily basis, with the elderly paying their monthly rent from their SASSA pensions. Joanne turned to the community to assist in other ways, one being, to get this project off the ground.

“We humbly beg our community to get involved in caring for these forgotten souls,” said Joanne. “To get our first home off the ground we need to raise R26,000 to cover the deposit, the first month’s rent and electricity and some furniture. We only have five days to raise this amount.”

Joanne went on to explain that this home will give nine retirees a home where they will be safe, warm and cared for – and the quality of life they so deserve in their last years.

“Every single cent invested by you our community will change the life of these precious old people who could be anyone’s mother, father or grandparents,” said Joanne.

Social media users responded generously to Joanne’s appeal. Donations of funds, household items, food and assistance have poured in. An anonymous member donated a generous R26,000 which will enable the home to open as soon as next month.

All other donations will be carried over for costs to be covered in the months to come.

Exhilarate Amanzimtoti staff along with founder of The Elder’s Voice, Joanne Mocke Herbst are proud to be assisting the organisation by providing their offices as a drop off point. In this photo they show off a generous donation of food and other essentials that will help lighten the load placed on The Elder’s Voice.


“The hard part is over,” said Joanne. “We have secured a home for the elderly but now the next phase starts – we have absolutely nothing in the home so we need all the help we can get.”

Anyone who can assist with a cash donation can make use of The Elders Voice banking details:
First National Bank
Account number: 62591728468
Branch code: 250655

The organisation’s wish-list to help furnish the home:
Washing machine
Two double beds
Five single beds
A dining room suite
A lounge suite
Walk unit
Television set
A roaster
A kettle
A set of pots
Cutlery and crockery
Adult nappies
Puzzles and craft goods
Clothing (especially sleepwear)
Medical supplies needed:
Bedsore ointments
Over-the-counter medicines such as Rennies, Vapo Rub and so on.

Drop-off points include Operation Bobbi Bear’s premises at 48 Seadoone Road, Doonside and Exhilarate’s offices at 407 Kingsway Road. For directions call Bobbi Bear on 031-903-2424 or Exhilarate on 031-714-5038.

Joanne will arrange to be at the house at 50 Burne Road, Athlone Park on Saturday from 8am until 3pm for those wishing to drop off furniture and foods.

Visit The Elders Voice KZN on Facebook for further information on this initiative, or contact Joanne Mocke Herbst on 079-028-6379.


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