
Bullet hits motorist’s car in Winklespruit shooting

The woman was amazed to see a bullet hole in her Mercedes’ back left door, about 20cm away from the window.

A motorist had a close call when a bullet from this morning’s shooting in Winklespruit lodged in her vehicle, only centimetres away from where her son was sitting.

The woman, who did not wish to be named, said she was driving past the Spar towards Warner Beach at about 10am when she heard a loud bang.

“I didn’t know what it was,” she said. “I thought it was a blow-out and I drove a bit further on and then stopped to check.”

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The woman was amazed to see a bullet hole in her Mercedes’ back left door, about 20cm away from the window.

Her seven-year-old son sat in the back in his booster seat, next to his niece.

“It was very scary. It left a huge hole in my door and my husband said it doesn’t look like a 9mm bullet.”

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