Business owners urged to beef up security

Following a spike in crime in Isipingo and surrounding areas, business owners are urged to increase their security.

Business owners are urged to be on high alert following an increase in armed robberies and hijackings in Isipingo and surrounding areas.

Alpha Alarms said one of its clients in Mobeni was held up by three armed men after he returned to his business premises from the bank. The client was pistol-whipped, together with another individual and the suspects fled with cash and two cellphones in a black VW Polo.

The Alpha response unit, together with an employee, managed to track one of the stolen cellphones to Montclair, where it was recovered.

Police responded to the scene and will investigate further.

READ ALSO: Foot patrol operations to help curb high crime rate

In a separate incident, a supermarket on Jadwat Street was robbed by four armed men at about 1pm on Wednesday, 5 July. Cash was taken from the till and customers were also robbed. The Alpha Armed Response Unit searched for the suspects, but no arrests were made.

In a separate incident, it is alleged that four armed men attempted to rob a scrapyard on Gopalsingh Road. Shots were allegedly fired. Police and a private security company responded and according to information circulated, the robbers were apprehended.

READ ALSO: Armed men rob Isipingo business owner

A business owner on the corner of Bally and Inwabi roads was also hijacked of his vehicle, a charcoal grey Mercedes, with registration number ND 808400, and assaulted on Wednesday evening, 5 July by three armed men. It is alleged he received 15 stitches.

Business owners are urged to beef up security and take note of suspicious people and vehicles lurking in the vicinity. They are encouraged to contact a security service provider or the police for further assistance.



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