Career burglar bagged by CCPO network’s swift response

We need everyone to pay towards the ongoing fight against crime to come forward and contribute.

A career criminal the Community Crime Prevention Organisation (CCPO) has been after for a long time was caught after he broke into a Villa Vineta premises on Thursday, 27 April.

CCPO committee member, George Snodey said the CCPO received a call from a Blue Security and CCPO response officer in the morning to say he was at a property in Entombeni Drive, in response to an alarm activation.

“He thought the suspect or suspects may still be in the house,” said Snodey. Within three minutes of getting the call on the shared channel, CCPO, Blue Security and ET Rapid Response officers were on the scene.

“Unfortunately the suspect managed to get out via a broken window and escape,” said Snodey.

READ ALSO: CCPO: Keep valuables out of sight

However, he was collared later that day when he broke into a Villa Vineta premises in Adams Road.

“An alert neighbour apparently noticed what was going on and called for help. CCPO, Blue Security and ET Rapid Response officers responded and arrived quick enough to catch the man in the flat.”

CCPO operations manager, Rupert Smit and CCPO and Blue Security patrol officer, Mbuyiselo ‘Triple M’ Mdunjane, along with ET Rapid Response’s Tony Lokker and Ashley Naidoo managed to catch the thief as he fled out the back door.

Some of the recovered stolen property from the Villa Vineta house break-in on Thursday, 27 April.

“This suspect has been breaking in for a while now and we knew who he was, as he was one of two suspects previously arrested in Entombeni Drive. Unfortunately the complainant didn’t want to open a case, which resulted in the suspects being released.

We have been looking for him for a while now, so it was good to eventually catch him,” said Snodey.

Nine vehicles rushed to the scene within three minutes of the alarm activation in Entombeni Drive, which the CCPO is proud of. “If you are not yet contributing towards the CCPO crime-fighting organisation, then you decide whether you would like this response if you or your family are in dire need of assistance.

READ ALSO: Stop freeloading on CCPO

The home owners, as well as the owners of the flat in Villa Vineta, are among the many local residents who are not CCPO clients. We really need everyone who can afford to pay towards the ongoing fight against crime to come forward and contribute.

Even though this was a tremendous show of force when everyone rushed to the scene, the CCPO is still not content. We would love to flood the streets with vehicles and foot patrols and actually be able to stop the scum from even getting into our properties.

To the non-believers out there, get involved and pay your way. Let’s secure our streets from this continuous wave of crime. Together we can do it.”

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