Career Amanzimtoti burglar bagged in combined effort

The man has been collared on four previous occasions for housebreaking by the CCPO.

A mother and daughter were attacked and assaulted in a home invasion that occurred at Kingsley Gardens in Amanzimtoti on Thursday, 13 April at about 8am.

According to CCPO committee member, George Snodey, the intruder fled with various items, including a cellphone.

The CCPO received a call about the attack and it was all hands on deck for the organisation and officers from ET Rapid Response, Blue Security and the Metro Police K9 unit.

Various items found on the man’s possession after he was apprehended.

“After receiving information from locals who had seen the suspect running from the premises, the search area was widened, as he is well-known to everyone in security,” said Snodey. The man has been collared on as many as four previous occasions for housebreaking by the CCPO.

Snodey and crewman Muzi Shezi decided to take a drive deep into Felikisi where the man has a hideout. “En route he was spotted walking along the road and we called for back-up,” said Snodey.

Jewellery was found in the man’s bag.

The man was left to enter his room before an attempt was made to capture him. Once he was inside, the signal was given and the place was converged on.

Metro Police K9 unit’s Shawn Jooste and Jevon China led the charge with the rest surrounding the premises.

The thief was nailed before he could flee and the cellphone taken in the home invasion was found in his pocket.

Hiking boots found in the thief’s possession.

A bag in his possession was found to have boots, jewellery, clothing and so on, which didn’t belong to the victims of the home invasion. It was later established that the items were stolen from another unit in Kingsley Gardens which was burgled a week prior to this incident.

The man was arrested and taken to Toti SAPS where he was detained.

“This was once again a great effort by all the security teams,” said Snodey.

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