Monday motivation: Five things to let go of this week

Letting go isn't always going to be easy, but when it will benefit you, it's necessary.

Here are five things you should aim to let go of this week:

1. Let go of the belief that you have to have everything figured out right now. That you have to know exactly who you want to be, exactly what you want to do, exactly who you want to share your life with. Be okay with the fact that you’re going to go through life feeling blind and unsteady and never fully sure of what you’re doing, because that’s how it’s supposed to be.

2. Let go of the idea that people are either 100% good or 100% bad. Focus on learning as much as you can about a person, about their past and their present and their struggles and their pain, before you succumb to the human instinct of instant judgement.

3. Let go of your hatred of your body. Understand that it’s okay to want to be healthy, to want to be proud of your body and to want to look good and feel well. But also understand that you are only mortal, that there will always be something that you don’t like about yourself and that it’s more of a journey of figuring out how to love yourself anyway than it is about ‘fixing’ what you are convinced is wrong with you.

4. Let go of your anger towards the friends who have hurt you but have also repeatedly tried to make it up to you. Forgive them, bring them back into your life and watch how much happier and lighter you are because of it.

5. Let go of friends who don’t put effort into your relationship. It doesn’t have to be a fight, or a dramatic, official goodbye. But let go of the energy that you spend on them that never gets returned. Come to peace with it and with them. Be okay with the fact that you can still love them while also letting them go, in order to make room for the friends who always meet you halfway.


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