Mimosa residents irked by cell tower plan

There should have been a meeting with the affected residents.

Lotus Park residents are up in arms after they were not consulted about the proposal to erect a cellphone tower on erf 3617 in Mimosa Place.

Dan Ramauthar, who resides at 6 Mimosa Place, and his neighbour Vish Singh, who lives at number four, said only two residents in their street received registered letters about the proposal late last month.

They are further irate that the cut-off date for residents to object to the erection of the tower is on 22 November. No objections received after that date will be considered.

“Only Krishnaveni Naiker and Morgan Govender received letters,” said Vish.
“Dan, myself and the rest of the street were not consulted. All the residents should have received letters.”

Besides the two letters, the only other proclamation to the proposal is an A3-size printed poster on the property, which is difficult to not only read, but make out what it is from the roadside.

The only other proclamation to the proposal of a cellhone tower is an A3-size printed poster on the property.


“We have consulted our councillor, Sunil Brijmohan, who promised to meet with us but that hasn’t happened.

We were told the proposal about the tower was placed in a daily newspaper but not all residents buy the newspaper every day. None of us saw the notice in the newspaper.

There should have been a meeting with the affected residents invited but this proposal has gone forward without consulting us. The cellphone tower, which emits radiation, will affect us in the long run,” said Vish.

The proposed site of the tower is within 10 metres of Vish and Dan’s residences.

“We object to the radiation the tower will emit, the drop in value to our properties and the tower being an eyesore in our neighbourhood,” said Dan. “We don’t want that.

This is a danger to the community and we don’t want that.”

The SUN sent queries to ward 90 councillor, Sunil Brijmohan, but no response was forthcoming at the time of going of print.

Residents can email their objections to logie.moodley@durban.co.za or thandi.sishi@durban.co.za, hand deliver to the regional co-ordinator:

or via registered post to PO Box 680, Durban, 4000, or fax to 031-311-7859.


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