Diary Dates – November

Send your diary dates to southcoastsun@dbn.caxton.co.za

FRIDAY, 4 NOVEMBER: Final 2016 Probus Amanzimtoti meeting starts at 9.30am for 10am in the safe, and tranquil surrounds of Umbogavango Nature Reserve. For the bring-and-braai after the meeting members visitors are asked to take along their own cups, meat, salads and refreshments. Seating at the venue is limited and interested visitors should call Sharon-Ann on 083-312-5360 by Wednesday, 2 November at the latest, as to gain entrance to the nature reserve the gate security will check all names against their security list.

SATURDAY, 5 NOVEMBER: In its new slot of the first Saturday of the month, the flea market and car boot sale run by the Lions of Kingsburgh takes place at Winklespruit Bowling Club, 50 Gus Brown Avenue at 7.30am. For more information contact Sandy on 082-466-6480.

SATURDAY, 5 NOVEMBER: Jona Vaughan Home for the Handicapped holds its annual general meeting at 1pm at the home in Bernadotte Street.

TUESDAY, 8 NOVEMBER: Amanzimtoti Women’s Institute meets at 9am for 9.15am for a monthly morning of fun and fellowship, learning and laughter. Members are asked to remember coins for ACWW, an item for the Christmas hamper, and a dessert item for Amanzimtoti Cares. Yvonne will be away so direct enquiries to Grace Finch on 031-903-1303.

MONDAY, 14 NOVEMBER: South African Association of Retired Persons (SAARP) Toti branch end-of-year lunch is on at Toti Country Golf Club, with a festive red and white theme. Thanks to all members for their much appreciated, constant support for meetings and outings. Call Maureen on 082-436-9281 or 031-903-4182 (evenings).

FRIDAY, 18 NOVEMBER: Kamalinee Primary calls on all ex-learners, members of the community and stakeholders to book and attend the school’s 35th reunion celebration at Amanzimtoti Civic Centre at 6pm. Tickets cost R200 per person which includes meals, welcome drinks and souvenirs. Entertainment by DJ Vishal Singh (Acoustic Vibes) and Michael John. The school will cater for 400 guests and currently, 100 seats have already been allocated. Call the school on 031-902-4534. Book early to avoid disappointment.

FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER: Probus Club’s annual Christmas party takes place at Amanzimtoti Golf Club from noon to about 3pm and payment is due at the meeting. If you are unable to attend but wish to go to the party, arrange payment on your behalf. Guests are most welcome to join in the fun but there will be a surcharge of R50 per person for the lunch. Call Sharon-Ann on 083-312-5360.

SATURDAY, 10 DECEMBER: Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church flea/craft market in the church grounds. To book a table at a cost of R150, call 031-903-3328.

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