Appeal for info about newspaper theft

The Sun appeals for information about the theft of 10 bundles of newspapers from the Ocean View Road, Winklespruit, this afternoon.

NPD, the contracted distributor of the weekly South Coast Sun, did a bulk drop of the some 250 copies of the paper at about 1.45pm.

“This is done every week throughout the area, before the delivery crew are then dispatched on the ground to complete the individual deliveries in the vicinity,” explained the Sun’s distribution manager, Lisa Ratzeburg. Today, however, when the crew returned, they found all 10 bundles missing.

“Despite asking around with car guards and businesses in the vicinity, it seems no-one saw anything,” said Lisa.

The Sun appeals for anyone to come forward if they have information about the disappearance of the bundles of papers. Call the Sun on 031-903-2341.

Office copies will be used to supplement the Warner Beach and Illovo Beach areas, to ensure readers receive their papers. Report non-deliveries toll-free on 0800-444466.

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