Ten-year-old cancer patient endures with a smile

The Hawkes family thank all staff of Kingsway Hospital for raising money and all the good work they have done.

LAUGHTER and love is what keeps 10-year-old cancer patient, Benjamin Hawkes going.

His infectious laugh and positive attitude spread across Kingsway Hospital, attracting lifelong friends in doctors and nurses who reached out and started a raffle as part of a Mandela Day initiative and raised R6,400 for the 10-year-old to help with the financial cost of his treatment.

Hawkes was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) on 25 February, two days before his birthday. “There was a strange lump on my leg and we later found out it was cancer,” he said. For his parents the news was devastating. His mother Angela recalls the moment her youngest child was diagnosed. “It’s every parent’s worse nightmare. We don’t want to see our little boy suffer and in pain but that’s the astonishing thing about Benjamin, he always has a smile on his face. I see him struggle but when he looks at me, I still see my happy child,” she said.

Mum and son, Benjamin and Angela Hawkes share a joke


After hearing the news the family received an abundance of support from family, friends and even strangers from all over the world. “It is overwhelming to see the love and well wishes sent to Benjamin and the family. It is comforting for us and I thank them for keeping us in their prayers,” she added.

Benjamin has big dreams for when he grows up. The rock enthusiast hopes to one day become a geologist. “It’s good to have dreams, it helps one not to lose faith. You have to take every moment as it comes. The best advice I can give people is to honour your parents, love and respect them because they will always be there for you. I try to stay positive and strong but I do get those moments where I feel down but I have amazing support from everyone that pulls me through,” he said.

The Hawkes family thank all staff of Kingsway Hospital for raising money and all the good work they have done.

Visit Ben’s facebook page for banking details, should you wish to make a donation


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