Hospice staff spread warmth with knitted Mandela Day efforts

KHANYA Hospice has pledged to keep patients warm on Mandela Day (Monday, 18 July).

“Mandela Day has always been celebrated by Khanya Hospice staff and this year is no exception,” said Khanya Hospice CEO, Neil McDonald.

“Our nursing staff often find patients very sick at home, alone with no-one to care for them. There are just not enough means to keep them warm and comfortable.”

To help, Hospice staff and volunteers have been crocheting and knitting, and these blankets will be donated to these patients.

“Although we are an NGO, we must not be seen as begging and just waiting for hand-outs. We must give to be able to receive.

There are wonderful people who support Khanya Hospice and the free palliative nursing care that we offer and we thank them. They lift up our arms and make it possible for us to do what we do best,” said Neil.

To contact Khanya Hospice, call 039-973-0277/1783 or email hospice@scottnet.co.za.

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