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Tree topples onto Umdoni Road home

Fortunately no-one was injured.

Residents were lucky to escape unscathed after a massive tree toppled onto their Umdoni Road home on Monday morning, 9 May.

Homeowner, Keith Walters said the flat crown tree started to come down on Sunday night. “We heard it creaking and thought there might be a burglar on our roof,” he said.

A branch fell on the roof and another crashed through the bedroom window.

The fire department cut down some branches in the night, but the weight was still much for the roots to bear in the soft ground due to the amount of rain that fell in Toti at the weekend and the tree uprooted on Monday morning at about 10am. The main bedroom and lounge were damaged, as well as roof tiles.

“Fortunately no-one was injured and there was little damage inside the house,” said Keith.
On Sunday, Umfolweni Road and Worlds View Road were both temporarily closed to traffic after huge trees uprooted and blocked the roads.

Local residents braved the rain to chop up and removed the trees.

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