Would-be housebreaker derailed

The would-be housebreaker was cornered on the premises and became violent.

Reaction officers nabbed a prowling housebreaker on Lotus Drive in Lotus Park on Sunday, 21 February at about 11am.

“The house occupants activated the panic alarm and reported a man attempting to derail their driveway gate,” said Alpha Alarms communications officer, Krishnee Naidoo.

“The would-be housebreaker was cornered on the premises by an Alpha Alarms response officer, but became violent. A back-up officer was called out to the scene and they managed to subdue and cuff him.”

According to the occupants of the house, when the man failed to derail the driveway gate, he jumped over the wall and proceeded to the front door where he yanked on the front door gate. Thereafter he turned his attention to a vehicle parked in the yard and tampered with it.

The man was handed over to SAPS and an attempted housebreaking case was opened at Isipingo SAPS.

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