Thieves pilfer paved walkway

If anyone has any information, email Cllr Beetge at or call 082-718-8137.

It’s been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Thieves who are slowly stealing paving slabs that make up a walk-way along Toti River opposite the civic centre clearly have no good intentions.

“I live nearby and I frequently run that way on my morning runs,” said Toti resident, Justin Nel. “I have noticed over the last few weeks more and more tiles are being stolen at night, mostly over weekends.”

The paving has slowly gone missing from late last year from the start of walkway on Civic Road, as well as under the N2 bridge and closer to Hutchison Road.

Photo: Justin Nel

Ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge is aware of the problem. “I have been told about this and people have said they have seen a vehicle in the area loading the paving. I have mentioned it to the parks department and we are keen to track down the thief. If anyone has any information about this, including a registration number, with the date and time the vehicle was seen in the vicinity, email me at or call me on 082-718-8137.”

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Thieves steal palm trees

Photo: Justin Nel
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