Sharks spread festive cheer at Bobbi Bear

The NPO received a food donation.

BOBBI Bear, which is committed to working with and assisting sexually abused children, received some festive cheer when Sharks rugby players visited the home with a food donation on Saturday, 12 December.

Sharks players, Ruan Botha, Etienne Oosthuizen and Tera Mtembu donated 100 ten-litre non-perishable food buckets via Shoprite’s annual #ShareForGood festive season campaign.

A number of influential personalities donated non-perishable food buckets to those in need on the day. The campaign aims to encourage and inspire ordinary citizens to get involved and #ShareForGood by bringing some festive cheer to those who have less.

This festive season the supermarket chain will donate almost 2,000 buckets filled with non-perishable food to the value of R200,000 to various charities and communities in need as part of its annual campaign.

A number of influential personalities have committed themselves including comedians Marc Lottering and Tol Ass Mo, Isibaya actress Jessica Nkosi, Umhlobo Wenene presenter Mafa Bavuma, Dolphins cricketer Cameron Delport and others. They will each donate 100 buckets to an organisation or cause of their choice, and hopefully their kind work and efforts will inspire others to do the same this festive season.

Shoprite sees itself as a responsible corporate citizen which contributes to the wellbeing of the communities where it does business. This festive season the retailer also invites consumers to get involved and #ShareForGood by bringing some festive cheer to those who have less. “Every South African can do their bit by filling a bucket with non-perishable food according to their means, and donate it to those in need while encouraging friends and family to do the same,” said marketing director of Shoprite Checkers, Neil Schreuder.

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