Stern warning about false police cases

The vehicle was recovered and the man was charged with defeating the ends of justice.

Isipingo police warn members of the public that reporting of false cases at the station is a serious offence.

On Sunday, 29 November members were patrolling along Gopal Singh Road.

“At about 10am that morning, they noticed a grey Toyota Fortuner without number plates. Half an hour later, they spotted the same vehicle with number plates,” said Isipingo SAPS communications officer, Capt David Ragavan.

At 2.20pm they saw the vehicle again in Delta Road in Isipingo Beach, being driven by a man. At 3pm they heard via the police radio the same vehicle being circulated as stolen.

“When they returned to the police station, they saw the same man who was driving the vehicle along Delta Road opening a case of theft of motor vehicle.”

During an interview, the driver confessed he reported the vehicle as stolen with the intention of claiming the insurance. He confessed he had given the vehicle to a scrapyard for stripping.

The vehicle was recovered and the man was charged with defeating the ends of justice.

“This stern warning goes out to anyone who has the intention to report false cases. We will not tolerate it and will arrest them and bring them before the courts.

The management of Isipingo SAPS thank those members involved for their vigilance and quick thinking,” said Capt Ragavan.

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