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Blood bank salutes its donors

Some 10,000 men and women donate each year.

RECOGNISED by the United Nations, International Volunteers Day is celebrated on 5 December to celebrate the efforts, share the values and promote the work of those who have identified a need and chosen to do something to address it.

This year, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) wants to honour a special kind of volunteer – the blood donor.

South Africa is one of only 62 countries that is able to meet its blood needs entirely through unpaid, voluntary donation and SANBS currently has over 491,000 donors.

“Each year about 10,000 men and women, young and old and from different walks of life, visit blood centres and mobile drives in suburbs, townships, shopping malls and workplaces to have one pint of blood drawn from their veins. They perform this act of love knowing at least three people will benefit from the products made from that one unit of blood and we are grateful to them,” said SANBS chief marketing officer, Thapelo Mokoena.

Although International Volunteers Day is the opportune moment to appreciate donors, SANBS is motivated daily by the thousands of individuals who have taken on the honourable task of saving lives.

This year SANBS had over 144,000 people join the ranks of blood donors and encourages more people to join its army of life-givers next year to make sure that not a single patient is in need of a blood transfusion – a mother in labour, cancer patient or accident victim – goes without this precious resource.

“Blood donors are extraordinary South Africans. They are the reason that healthcare workers in hospitals across the country can do their challenging jobs with ease. We absolutely can’t do without this special type of volunteer and on this day and throughout the year, we salute you,” concluded Mokoena.

Find the nearest donor centre, by calling 0800-11-9031, visit www.sanbs.org.za or Facebook SANBS.

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