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Silkwom sale sews up R1,800 for charity

I'm not happy with the amount I raised. I want to beat it next year.

Young Toti entrepreneur, Joshua Henzi-Fourie (7) raised R1,800 to raise funds for charity from his budding silkworm empire.

The young philanthropist decided to start his charity business after he started to lose his faith when countless prayers for a Lego dinosaur went unanswered. However, instead of only thinking of himself, he decided to sell silkworms and donate the proceeds to his church to purchase blankets for the poor, and little burn victim Willow Malan.

“The Toti community has been phenomenal in its support,” said his mother Danielle Henzi.

On Friday Joshua presented the Malan family with R1,200 and he has R600 to spend on blankets from the 1,800 silkworms he sold.

“We’ve had silkworms being flown in business class to Johannesburg for children and grandchildren and eggs given away on pieces of cardboard as wedding or birthday gratitude gifts, which will hatch in July.”

Joshua cannot wait for July when his thousands of eggs start to hatch. He will be back in business and is confident he can surpass this year’s amount.

“I’m not happy with the amount I raised,” he said. “I want to beat it next year. I want to raise enough money for 250 blankets.” At R50 a blanket, that is a lot of silkworms to trade places.

The grade 1 Warner Beach Prep pupil still has his heart set on a Lego dinosaur. “Hopefully Father Christmas has seen what a good boy Joshua has been this year and will bring him one,” said Danielle.

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