Men urged to grow ‘mos’ in Movember

Other groups are challenged to do a fundraising event for Khanya Hospice.

Khanya Hospice appeals to all Upper South Coast men to grow their moustaches in support of ‘Movember’.

“For Movember we are thinking of the men, particularly with testicular and prostate cancer, including all the other cancers that men also get,” said Khanya Hospice CEO, Neil McDonald.

“Cancer is a serious matter and there are people who do not have a medical aid.”

Wesley van Huyssteen, Rudi Holtzhausen and Rob Harding of Umkomaas have pledged their support and challenge other groups to “stand together and do a fundraising event for Khanya Hospice, especially for the kind of work that Hospice is doing in the Toti area, to offer free care for people with life-threatening diseases and support to their families who need this”.

The staff at Halfway Malanda Toyota in Widenham collected among themselves and handed over R362 to Khanya Hospice to try and make a difference in the lives of people affected by cancer.

Hospice is not government-funded and relies solely on the goodwill and donations from the general public and it also does its own fundraising events.

“The guys at Halfway Malanda Toyota have decided to also do their bit,” said Neil. “They are getting ready for ‘Movember” by growing beards and moustaches and at the end of November, they will shave them off again and this is part of their fundraising effort in support of Hospice.”

Malanda Toyota staff challenge other dealerships to get on board and try to better their donation for this good cause.

Hospice can be contacted on 039-973-1783 or email

Halfway Malanda Toyota dealer principal, Suresh Sewbaran, Roger Gopal, Sharon Roopan, Khanya Hospice CEO, Neil McDonald, Krish Moodley and Rishi Rangasamy.
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