
‘Municipal jobs not for sale’

The city has a fair and transparent recruitment process.

ETHEKWINI Municipality reiterates that municipal jobs are not for sale.

Residents are urged to be on high alert for false municipal job advertisements that have been circulated recently. The municipality would not ask those seeking employment to pay for a job.
Deputy city manager of human resources, Dumisile Nene said the municipality follows a fair and transparent recruitment process.

“Our employment policies and practises are committed to developing a multi-cultural and diverse workforce that is non-racist, non-sexist, and non-discriminatory.”
She advised the public not to respond to false municipal job advertisements, where they are asked to pay money to an individual to get a job.

All eThekwini municipal job opportunities are advertised on the official website through the city’s online application system on

Jobs are also advertised every fortnight in the Metro Ezasegagasini newspaper, a municipal publication and in some local newspapers. Those seeking employment are encouraged to apply through these reliable mediums.

The public is also urged to report suspicious advertisements or people who approach them with offers of jobs for sale to the City Integrity and Investigations Unit on 0800-202-020 or the SAPS on 10111.

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