Dogs on leashes – how it works

When remonstrating with the owners, they said I must get a dog then I would be a better person.

EDITOR – The current issue on dogs on leashes and in public places refers.

Consider others when using Hutchison Park

In Europe, UK, USA and Australasia, there are laws with fines against dog owners whose pooches dump in public places.

Owners are responsible to remove the droppings.

The council has spent years beautifying and maintaining this lovely parkland at not only Hutchison Park but our beautiful civic centre gardens along the Toti river (see photo 43leashes).

So many dog owners use it daily as a sewer for their dogs. It’s a minefield of droppings.

Another area of concern is the beach between Winklespruit and Warner Beach where several dog owners allow their dogs to romp unleashed.

There are two women who walk at low tide with no less than seven dogs. They often harass pensioners walking along the beach.

I had an incident where a man and woman with four big dogs thought they had everything under control, yet long before I passed them, one of the dogs broke away and stormed me.

When remonstrating with the owners, they said I must get a dog then I would be a better person.

I am a dog lover, having bred and trained SA champions for many years. My retirement village prohibits me from having a dog. Owners and South Africa have to get serious about training their dogs and restricting them in public places.

Let’s have the law enforced.


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