Missing Toti teen back home

He arrived home on Tuesday, 29 September.

TOTI teen, Jonathan van der Berg (18) who was missing for 10 days is now back home, safe and sound.

“He called us from Pretoria on Monday afternoon, 28 September. We got friends up there to take him to the bus station and he arrived home early on Tuesday, 29 September,” said his mother, Sally Schulze.

When the SUN made contact with Sally, Jonathan had showered and was asleep.

“He is shaken up, but okay. It’s a relief he’s back. We haven’t as yet asked him any questions as to how he got to Pretoria.”

Jonathan disappeared from his Old Main Road home on Sunday, 19 September at about 7pm. News of his disappearance was posted on various social media platforms and the family received a number of calls from the public who had seen him.

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