Good, bad and ugly of local business

However, that being said, there are still businesses who are commended on their community spirit and there is also a younger library staffer who is always pleasant and helpful to everyone.

EDITOR – As a relatively new resident on the South Coast, the attitude of the folk whom one generally meets walking on the beach or at the sporting fixtures impresses me as still warm and friendly.

However those in business are less impressive.

I have had four occasions recently when business owners have behaved so badly that I will never support them again and also have told everyone I know about their bad attitudes. Couples have had shouting arguments with each other in my presence and then projected their bad attitude onto me. So I will do my printing elsewhere and take my laptop elsewhere for servicing.

The estate agents in town are mostly out for a quick sale, arrogant in false superiority and I don’t know why because some of them are living in rented, economic units themselves but scorn any client who searches for property under one and a half million. Sometimes they are actually dishonest.

The impolite behaviour of some cashiers towards elderly pensioners is appalling. I have personally intervened a few times when the person before me in in the till queue has been treated badly. There are staff at the local library in Toti who are too busy on their mobile phone updates using the wi-fi facility, to help the public. One staff member there who, when politely informed that a DVD was no longer working, gave a scathing comment “oh well, we’ll just put it back on the shelf and see if anyone else has such a problem”.

However, that being said, there are still businesses who are commended on their community spirit and there is also a younger library staffer who is always pleasant and helpful to everyone. Folk in business situations should remember that people don’t always complain, they simply take their business elsewhere. Thank you to all the folk who do still have a warm, friendly and helpful attitude to others. You inspire others to be the same.


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