Jungle fun for 21 Club

Alan reminded us that stress and anger in relationships can start with insignificant comments.

THE 21 Club’s August luncheon was called ‘It’s a jungle out there’ to set the scene for guest speaker, Alan Symons’ talk on anger management and stress control.

The animal print and safari outfits worn by the members and guests blended perfectly with the décor, which created a great atmosphere for the Woman’s Month celebration.

Alan Symons has lived in the area for 56 years. After working at the Umbogintwini factory for 26 years and finishing up as regional HR manager, Alan left to take up a calling as pastor of Rehoboth Bible Church which included being pastor of Rehoboth Christian School.

Conflict resolution, mediation and ministry to people’s needs has always been a part of Alan’s life. Four years ago Alan felt the need to assist people with out of control anger or stress. He studied and became a certified consultant with Anger and Stress Management Centre. Since August 2013, after retiring from Rehoboth, Alan has pursued this new season in his life on a full-time basis.

Alan reminded us that stress and anger in relationships can start with insignificant comments. The examples he gave were amusing and most could relate to similar experiences. But, in fact, anger and stress are no laughing matter and can have serious, even tragic results. Realities like the tight economy, unemployment, political and racial tension have to be dealt with on a daily basis. Road rage is only one of the results. Unfortunately, very often adults transfer the negativity in their lives to their children who in turn become stressed.

Alan offers consultations one-on-one, to couples including marriage or premarital preparation, families, children and employee discipline. He gives talks and provides workshops and seminars for educators, companies, churches, civic minded organisations, cancer support groups and institutions on topical things like road rage, bullying and so on.

Every consultation is non-judgemental, confidential and full notes are given. A certificate of achievement is given at the conclusion.

Thank you to Alan for a thought-provoking and informative presentation and for providing lucky draw gifts of stress balls for each table.

The luncheon included a market day. Many thanks to the eight stallholders who not only provided a wide range of shopping opportunities but also donated lucky draw gifts.

The club said a fond farewell to Wendy Ward who has tendered her resignation. She will be joining her family in Cape Town. Good wishes from 21 Club go to her, and everyone looks forward to keeping in touch.

Sincere condolences are extended to Shirley Coulter who lost her husband, Mike, after a long illness.

A speedy recovery is wished to the several members who were not able to attend due to ill health.

The next luncheon, ‘hats on for Spring’, will be held at noon for 12.30pm on Wednesday, 23 September at Lords and Legends conference room. Keep it colourful. The guest speaker is the Trauma Unit’s Gail Schreiner. Members are reminded that confirmation of intention to attend or not, and names of guests, must be received by Lyn on 082-572-1328 or 031-903-4026 or Golda on 083-633-6338 or 031-916-7001 no later than Friday, 18 September. Remember that guests must be invited by a member and will only be accommodated if there is room.


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