
Metro Police warns of traffic fine payment scam

The scam artists who use the names Captain Botha and Captain Swanepoel.

METRO Police warns the public to be on alert for a new scam where motorists are tricked into paying money upfront for alleged outstanding fines.

The scam artists who use the names Captain Botha and Captain Swanepoel, claim to work for the Durban Metro Police and provide their cell number as 063-228-1578 to unsuspecting members of the public.

They request payment be made into money market accounts at Checkers stores using the reference number #2631.
Members of the public who have been contacted by the men have independently verified with the Metro Police call centre that they have no outstanding fines.

Metro Police spokesman Eugene Msomi said police follow a strict process when issuing fines and following-up on payment.
He said once a fine is issued, a notice is sent to the offender and thereafter, a summons and warrant of arrest is issued.

Msomi said any member of the public who receives a call of this nature is urged to check their status with the Durban Metro Police by calling 031-311-2861/62/63/66, Monday to Friday.

If approached, they must report the matter to the City Integrity and Investigations Unit.

The municipality views this infringement as a serious matter as it brings the organisation into disrepute. It has adopted a zero tolerance stance to all forms of fraud and corruption and wants to ensure that integrity, equality, accountability and fairness prevails.

Report all complaints of infringement of human rights, maladministration, fraud and corruption committed by staff or service providers contracted to the municipality to the City Integrity and

Investigations Unit on thetoll free number 0800-20-20-20 or email

Reports can also be done in person by visiting the unit’s office on the 10th floor, Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncadi Avenue, Durban. All reported cases are treated as confidential.

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