‘Rock across N2’ robbers netted

Four men were arrested

A joint crime prevention operation by members of the Umkomaas SAPS detectives, Umlazi Crime Intelligence, Umzinto and Umlazi K9 units and Umkomaas SAPS visible policing unit netted successful results in Umkomaas and Umgababa on Thursday, 20 August.

Four men were arrested on the N2 highway at Umgababa for their alleged involvement in robbing motorists whose vehicles had been damaged by rocks that had been placed across the road.

A further six arrests were made for offences including house robbery, possession of suspected stolen property, dealing in drugs (whoonga), possession of dagga and housebreaking.

Police seized 296 straws of whoonga and recovered a camera, camera bag, computer monitor and CDs. An amount of R9,000, believed to be the proceeds of the sale of drugs, was seized from the man arrested for dealing in drugs.

Station commander of Umkomaas SAPS, Col ‘PN’ Govender, commended the members for their commitment. “This was an excellent effort by the members. My management is certainly proud to have members of this calibre in our midst. Our streets will be safer with these suspects in custody,” said the colonel.

Umkomaas SAPS will continue to regularly patrol the N2 from Umkomaas to Umgababa to ensure that motorists continue to travel safely.

Motorists are urged to be vigilant and report any suspicious persons or activities they may witness on the highway, so that police may react promptly to prevent any further robberies.

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