Taxi owner mowed down in hail of bullets

He was struck in the face and killed.

A 52-YEAR-old taxi owner was shot dead as he closed his tavern in the Emaphipini area of Ilfracombe on Friday, 21 August.

It was about 11pm that Themba Mwelase was approached by two men who asked for a lift.

Mwelase agreed and when he stopped his vehicle for the men to get out, they turned and fired shots at him. He was struck in the face and killed.

Police say the motive for his killing is unknown, however it is thought it may relate to his taxi business. Mwelase owned several taxis which operated on the Magabheni-Toti-Isipingo route.

Umkomaas police are investigating a case of murder. No arrests have been made as yet.

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