Police need help with rape cases

Help police find the men in the identikits.

THE Brighton Beach Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS) needs assistance to locate the men in the identikit who may have crucial information in their investigations.

In the first case, a 25-year-old woman was walking along Hillier Road in Umbilo when she was offered a lift by a man in a black BMW. It is alleged he then took her to a secluded area in Hutchison Road where he got into the passenger seat and raped her.

The person in the identikit could hold information necessary for this investigation. Anyone with details should call Constable PN Xulu on 074-565-8604 or 031-333-8224.

Police are looking for this man in an Umbilo rape investigation.

In a second incident, a 22-year-old woman was asleep in her home in Cato Manor when two men allegedly forced their way inside. Telling her not to scream, they raped her at knife point before fleeing with her mobile phone.

The person in the identikit could assist police in their investigation. Anyone with information should call Constable Trevis Bouverie on 078-305-3191.

Alternatively, anyone with information on either case may call the anonymous Crime Stop hotline on 08600-10111.

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