Pilot project ramps up fight against serious crime

We encourage people to join the CCPO.

Criminals beware – in a pilot initiative, the Community Crime Prevention Organisation (CCPO) has promoted Rupert Smit to senior supervisor to head a crime prevention unit and its partner Blue Security has come on board to sponsor a brand-new tactical response vehicle and officer.

“This is a Blue Security initiative put together with the CCPO to fight crime in the Toti area,” said Blue Security managing director, Henk van Bemmelen.

“Normal reaction units have become standard, but now it’s time to notch it up a bit. That is why we have launched the tactical vehicle, which will not respond to normal housebreakings, but rather focus on serious crime. This vehicle will get to the scene of a crime quicker and the officer will know what to do to catch the criminal. If this project is successful, we will roll it out in other areas.”

CCPO operations manager, Leon Joone said the vehicle will be based at the CCPO offices in Hutchison Park during random times from Monday to Friday.

“This is a community project, in conjunction with Blue Security, our partner. With them contributing towards this project, it shows they are serious about combatting crime and it will go a long way to helping us make Toti a safer place to live in.

We encourage people to join the CCPO, so that we can have an even bigger force out there to combat crime in our area.”

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