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Highest Lions accolade for Gwen

She has been honoured for her commitment to helping others.

A STALWART of the Lions Club of Kingsburgh, Gwen Ellis was honoured with a Melvin Jones Fellowship award at the service organisation’s induction lunch on Saturday, 15 August.

The Melvin Jones Fellowship is in recognition of commitment to humanitarian work and is the Lions Clubs International Foundation’s highest honour. It represents humanitarian qualities such as generosity, compassion and concern for the less fortunate. Melvin Jones Fellows receive a lapel pin and a personalised wall plaque in honor of their commitment to helping others.

It was created in 1973, and named after the founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones.

Newly-inducted president, Pat Wilson presented Gwen with the award. “Lion Gwen on behalf of all members, it is a great honour to present to you the prestigious Melvin Jones Fellowship, which you truly deserve and have earned through your dedicated and outstanding humanitarian service.”

Gwen was inducted into the Lions Club of Kingsburgh in August, 1999 having been invited to join by the late Elna Morley. “After attending a few meetings and assisting with a few projects (which is the usual procedure) I realised this was the kind of organisation to which I would like to devote the rest of my life, an organisation that did not just talk about service but actively served its community.”

“I have never belonged to any other Lions Club, but have been involved in assisting others (as most of us are), as we often join forces to take on a large project and we all belong to a zone, which may consist of six or seven clubs and which are usually involved in at least one annual project together.”

Gwen recommends joining Lions. “Lions Clubs International has as its motto, ‘We Serve’. If you are a service-minded person, if you truly care about your fellow man or (woman), you can do no better than join Lions. You would be joining 14 million like-minded people in 46,000 clubs in 210 countries, all striving to improve the lot of their fellows.”

Anyone who would like to know more about Lions should contact Lion president Pat Wilson on 082-550-3159 or secretary Wendy Denyssen on 082-925-4168.

Furthermore, the club is willing to address any organisation looking for a speaker, on the subject of Lions Clubs International.

“I am very grateful to my club that they have deemed me worthy of receiving a Melvin Jones Award. It is indeed a great honour and one which has left me feeling very humbled.”

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