’25 years ago in the SUN’ – What’s new?

I for one am here to stay in South Africa, notwithstanding all our problems and a government pestered by corruption.

EDITOR – I always enjoy reading your column ’25 years ago in the SUN’.

This reflects the Amanzimtoti and surrounding areas’ social life and important happenings, but more important, it shows us what the situation was ‘in the good, old days’ when the previous government (read white) was still in power and ‘crime was still under control’.

Big was my surprise when I read last week’s column and no less than five criminal actions, from a spate of robberies, violence and intimidation in Athlone Park to an attack on an elderly woman in Old Main Road, were reported for that specific week. My question therefore is: What’s new?

Why did people not deem it necessary to emigrate from South Africa due to the so-called high crime rate at that stage?

I for one am here to stay in South Africa, notwithstanding all our problems and a government pestered by corruption. If all South Africans remain positive, we can make this a beautiful country to stay in and build our economy for our children and grandchildren to benefit. I rest my case.


(Please note: Comments posted on this issue may be used for publication in the Sun)

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