Fashion course spawns catwalk show

All the outfits showcased were their own designs.

A fashion show presenting original clothing designs for both men and women was the culmination of a year of fashion design training for three talented Bhekulwandle women.

Having studied all three levels in the sewing training programme at Seed of Hope (SOH) Community Development prior to 2011, Ernestina Hlophe, Zandile Shezi and Sbongile Khumalo continued their seamstressing training by participating in SOH’s first fashion design class.

Over the past year, the three worked on a variety of projects, all of which were showcased at the fashion show at SOH on Friday, 7 August.

“It has been amazing to see the progress in pattern design and drafting that we have achieved,” said Ernestina. “We can now design a dress or outfit according to a customer’s needs and desires.

I was not nervous before the fashion show, but when the planning all came together, I was relieved.”

Ernestina teaches the sewing group at SOH, while Zandile and Sbongile are graduates of the group.

Models were made up of SOH staff, volunteers and friends, much to the delight of the audience.

All the outfits showcased were their own designs and were loudly applauded when each model took their turn on the ‘catwalk’.

The project was overseen by Kerry Wiens of SOH, who was quick to point out she only helped behind the scenes to make sure everything ran smoothly.

“The main thing is these women’s success,” she said. “The main reason for it is the high quality of fashion we have seen from them. We want to start a fashion rennaissance in Bhekuwandle.

We had a fashion designer from the Durban University of Technology visit SOH every Friday to assist the women.

We now hope Ernestina will continue to train fashion design at SOH and more people will open their own fashion design business.

We would love Bhekuwandle to become known as the place where the best dresses are made.”

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