Do something good this Mandela Day

Extend 67 minutes to doing something good for their fellow man, animal, environment or community.

Ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge challenges the Toti community to participate in 67 minutes of action to celebrate Mandela’s birthday on Saturday, 18 July.

“It is only so often that Mandela day falls on a weekend and with 18 July being a Saturday, it affords so many people who are usually otherwise occupied, an opportunity to extend 67 minutes to doing something good for their fellow man, animal, environment or community,” said Cllr Beetge.

Some initiatives, according to the councillor, include feeding the poor and destitute, painting a crèche, homestead, community wall, community hall, bench, cleaning a park, beach, verge, river, stream, providing someone with a warm meal, assisting someone with a blanket, jacket or clothing, teaching someone a skill, reading or spending time with the elderly, being a handyman to a neighbour, the elderly or poor, assisting animal groups or organisations. “The possibilities and needs are endless.

No matter how small the action, I wish to challenge the larger community to initiate and use all available platforms to report on the various exercises that we, as a community, undertake to make a difference during our 67 minutes of action,” said Cllr Beetge.

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