Dogs poisoned with laced meat

If found in your yard, take your dogs immediately to a veterinarian.

Toti dog lovers are warned to be on the look-out for bits of raw meat covered in blue granules that are tossed into yards to poison dogs.

If found in your yard, take your dogs immediately to a veterinarian and if possible take the bits of meat with to show.

The granules are suspected to be organophosphate poison.

Two dogs were poisoned with this method in the Warner Beach and St Winifreds area on Monday, 13 July.

The owner, who did not wish to be named in fear of his two dogs’ safety, said the meat must have been thrown over his wall sometime during the day.

“When we got home after 5pm, we saw there was something wrong with our dogs. The small one was badly affected.”

The dogs were rushed to the vet and he confirmed it was organophosphate poisoning.

“The small one was left over-night at the vet to recoup, but our bigger dog was treated and we took him home.

It was terrible.”

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