
[PHOTOS] Rock thrown at woman’s car on N2

The incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning.

A POLICEWOMAN escaped serious injury after a rock was hurled at her car from the Hull Road bridge on the southbound lane of the N2 in the early hours of Thursday, 18 June.

The large rock lodged in the windscreen and dashboard of the driver’s side of Susan Louw’s Hyundai i20. Shards of broken glass scattered in the front section.
Susan who lives in Parker Lane, Warner Beach, was travelling alone and was on her way home from Pinetown SAPS, where she works, when the incident happened between 5am and 5.30am.

“I was in the extreme right hand lane. All of a sudden, I heard a loud bang and swerved into the left lane and managed to keep my car under control.”
As there are no lights on the Hull Road bridge, Susan was unaware at the time that a rock had been thrown at her car.

“When I heard the loud bang, I thought something was wrong with the engine. Instinct kicked in. Being in the police for 27 years I did not stop, I drove straight home.”
She was shocked when she saw the rock wedged in her car. “I am very shaken.”

She sustained injuries to her sternum and neck when she was pushed forward, after the impact.

Her boyfriend, Anton Booysen is just as shaken by the incident.

“If the rock had smashed into the windscreen 4cm higher, it would have hit Susan in the face, possibly killing her or if she had crashed, the perpetrators could have shot her with her own firearm,” said Anton.

Having previously lived in Hillcrest, Susan only moved to Warner Beach in January. “Now I am in a predicament, as I have to travel this route to work every day,” she said.

Read what happened in a similar incident a year ago

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