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Half a century of WI earns Yvonne a special badge

Members our charity for June will be for babies.

PRESIDENT of Amanzimtoti Women’s Institute, Muriel Hartwig welcomed all members, and a special welcome to group executive Doreen Goldschak at the general meeting on 12 May.

Members are thinking of dear Corinne Stephenson, who is not at all well.

Yvonne Dixie, vice president and secretary was presented with her 50th WI membership badge by Heather Stevens, president of Kingfisher WI, of which Yvonne is a dual member. Congratulations Yvonne, you are truly a devoted WI member.

A card was sent from Toti WI to Stan Calvin, congratulating him on serving in World War II 70 years ago, and the WI was proud also to have had his wife Pam as Amanzimtoti WI president for nine years. What an inspiring couple.

Toti WI came first for competitions entered at the group WI AGM meeting and thanks all members who entered the lovely made articles.

Speaker this month was Janet Burgess, head of the Life Boat Circle of Sea Rescue. What an interesting and animated speaker. Janet had so many stories to tell that members could have stayed listening all morning and longer. From rescuing lives, disentangling whales from nets, and helping Reach for a Dream, it made the WI realise just how important this organisation is. Donate whenever you can. The charity for June will be for babies and the WI will be grateful to receive any baby toiletries.

Competition results:

First Aggie:

  • Y Dixie and J van Staden.


  • First J Donkin and N Podmore.

Home products:

  • Special C de Lange and N Podmore,
  • first M Hartwig.


  • Special Y Dixie,
  • first L Botha.


  • Special Y Dixie and L Botha.


  • Special S Stone,
  • first Y Dixie and J van Staden.


  • Second A Martens and M Hartwig.

Amanzimtoti Women’s Institute meets in the library activities room on the second Tuesday of the month at 9.15am.

For more information, call Muriel Hartwig on 031-903-1469.

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