Samaritan comes to rescue of remote jammer victim

The driver sped off so fast she could only see the first three letters of the registration number, NUF.

EDITOR – On Saturday, 28 March at about noon, my alarm was jammed with a gate remote outside the small Spar in Warner Beach.

Fortunately Tamryn Tofte witnessed a man remove my handbag from my car and get into a fairly new white Mercedes.

The driver sped off so fast she could only see the first three letters of the registration number, NUF.

Tamryn kindly waited for me and due to her help, I was less traumatised. She stayed with me for about two-and-a-half hours despite the fact she had to work night shift.

There are not many people like Tamryn in the world. A person who lives in my complex walked right past me without stopping to ask if I needed help.

Tamryn, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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