Sewage stench river plagues golfers

Sewage would be pumped into the river for a week until the matter is resolved.

Visitors to Amanzimtoti Country Club (ACC) have no choice but to bear with a sewage stench when they tee off.

This due to sewage being pumped into Twini River by eThekwini Municipality.

Chairman of ACC, Dave Richardson said he contacted the municipality last week after he noticed the smell and was referred to the health department in Athlone Park.

“They said it was not their problem when I contacted them,” he said.

“It stinks like you cannot believe and the water is black.”

A municipal official visited the club on Friday, 27 March to inform Dave that due to loadshedding, the main transformer had blown at the pumpstation and sewage would be pumped into the river for a week until the matter is resolved.

“Unfortunately the pump stopped working and we are in their hands,” he said.

This is not the first time the club has had to suffer from a sewage-infested river. In November a broken sewer pipe under the Kingsway bridge adjacent to the club pumped sewage straight into the river.

Initially nothing was done about the complaints for more than a month and the municipality blamed the collapse of a sewer manhole as the reason for the pollution.

The real cause was only discovered when local golfers found the broken pipe and it was reported.

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