Pensioner shaken by knifepoint burglary

After failing to take her car, they fled with other valuables.

A 75-YEAR-OLD woman was held at knifepoint and robbed by three men in her Adelaide Road, Doonside home in the early hours of Saturday, 14 March.

The pensioner, who is highly traumatised, does not wish to be named as she is fearful the perpetrators may return. “At about 4am, I heard the side door of the garage banging and I went out to shut it. After I turned around to come back in through the front door, I was forcefully grabbed around the neck.”

Three men set-upon her, one pressed a knife to her throat, while a second held a cloth to her mouth, gagging her. “They told me if I screamed, they would kill me. I pleaded with them to take whatever they wanted.” As she is asthmatic, she started gasping for breath. “They said don’t look at us. I pleaded with them to let me breathe. Only then, they removed the cloth.”

Once inside, they continued to harass her, unbeknown to her friend, who was asleep. “They couldn’t get into my friend’s room as the door was jammed. I handed over money and a cellphone to them. They asked if my friend had a cellphone with a camera, or if I had a laptop or a gun.” The robbers also took her rings.

They went outside and moved her Chery QQ out of the garage, but were unable to get it out of the driveway, so instead they abandoned it and fled. “When they went outside, I pushed the panic alarm. My friend only realised something was wrong when the alarm went off.”

The woman sustained injuries to her chin and leg. “I thank God I am alive.” She described the men as between 20 and 30-years-old. As they took her gate’s remote control and house keys, she has replaced them, but is still scared.
She praised the CCPO for its prompt response.

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