Temporary fire station site identified at Folweni

The southern areas of the municipality are an emergency service delivery priority area, in terms of the need for additional fire stations.

LAND has been identified for the construction of a temporary fire station in Folweni.

The recommendation was tabled at a monthly meeting of eThekwini Municipality’s Community and Emergency Services Committee on Thursday, 2 October.

Reports tabled by units of the committee will be considered by the Executive Committee (Exco).

“An accessibility mapping of community and social services exercise undertaken by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), indicates that the southern areas of the municipality are an emergency service delivery priority area, in terms of the need for additional fire stations,” said the municipality’s communications head, Tozi Mthethwa.

“It is on this basis that the Fire and Emergency Services department has identified land at Folweni B for the construction of a temporary fire station. The proposed site lies about 10km south of eThekwini and covers wards 67, 94, 95, 96 and 100 and includes settlements of Adams Mission, Dodaza, Emsahweni, KwaHlongwa, Mkazena, Emansomini, Golokodo-Ensimbini, Mpushini and Enkanyisweni-Shozi.

A park-home has been procured and will serve as a temporary facility, while preparations to construct a permanent structure are still underway.”

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