
Funeral conmen try their luck

They asked for R3,500 towards expenses.

A FUNERAL scam which targeted employers of domestic workers, which did the rounds in Toti some two weeks ago, reared its ugly head again last week.
A Shulton Park resident nearly fell victim to the smooth-talking con-artists on Saturday, 23 August when she received a number of calls from ‘bereaved family’ of her domestic worker, who has been in her employ for the last 12 years.

Unbeknown to her, her domestic worker had received a call on Friday, 22 August supposedly from an employee of the Department of Labour. “He called on the landline and asked her a number of questions, including personal family details. She passed on the det/ails, including my cellphone number,” said the woman.

On Saturday, she received 11 calls. “A man told me she had collapsed with stomach cramps and died. He wanted R3,500 towards funeral expenses.” Although the caller was convincing, she became suspicious. “A woman came on the phone sobbing. However, when I asked her my domestic’s age, she cut the call.”
Attempts to get hold of her domestic worker failed, as she had been told to switch off her phone.

However, the scammers remained persistent. They insisted she deposit money via a supermarket store. “They shouted at me, demanding I deposit the money.”
But, when they realised she had caught on, they gave up. By 5pm the same day, she got hold of her employee and established she was alive and what had transpired the previous day. She reported the incident to the police on Sunday.
“Employers need to be aware and warn their employees not to pass on personal details to anyone.”

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