
Nightmare daycare video

This video entitled ‘Daycare in action’ which has gone viral on Facebook with over 100,000 shares, paints a scary reality of what can – and obviously does – take place in daycare facilities around the world every day.

One can’t tarnish the industry as a whole, and the hope is that this is an isolated case of errant daycare operators not paying enough attention to what is happening around them. As a whole, daycares aim to be early childhood development centres that foster trust and provide nurturing, educational environments.

It is astonishing to see how a calculated older child, intent on inflicting harm to much younger babies and toddlers who perhaps aren’t equipped to speak out, goes about meting out punches, slaps and pinches to the little ones. He seems intent on causing as much pain as possible, cradling one child in his arms before checking on whether the child-minders are paying attention. Satisfied that they’re not, he shakes the child violently and kicks at it several times.

The role of early childhood daycare facilities is vital as they see to the needs of the very young while their parents are at work. It would indeed be a good thing to root out which daycare this young bullies actions took place in, as clearly he needs to be stopped.

Watch the video and let us know your thoughts on bullying:


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  1. That’s is absolutely horrific… I am a child minder and have been for 15 years and have never seen such bullying in all those years.

    I can only assume that, that boy got all the punishment he deserves. I would be so ashamed if I was his parents.

    What is happening to that Childminder?? Is she been reported for negligence?
    I pray those little ones will not be scared and traumatised for the rest of their lives. That is certainly going to impact on them.

    Totally horrified!!!

  2. lisa it does not matter when this video was released , IT IS STILL WRONG !!! it happens around us daily thats sad enough,
    to you does the fact that it was released in 2012 make it better

  3. What has been done about this? the abuse on these children is life threatening!!!!!!! I am praying that something is being done about it. the abuser who seems to be a child himself needs mental help. I hope and pray that this has been dealt with because the damage could be fatal

  4. What has been done about this? the abuse on these children is life threatening!!!!!!! I am praying that something is being done about it. the abuser who seems to be a child himself needs mental help. I hope and pray that this has been dealt with because the damage could be fatal

  5. ” That is horrible, we living in a f*#kd up society whereby no one cares for anybody mostly in the black communities. I think that kid is mentally disturbed he need doctors, if not it is a habit to him that they always allow him to do that and that baby sitter does not qualify for the job. I think the pre-school be shut down, legal actions must be taken against the owner end of story”

  6. Disgusting, I didn’t even watch the video until the end…..
    Why cant the child in the walking ring get away from the wall?
    How does one deal with a bully child??? He more than likely comes from an abused home, where abuse is all he knows….
    Where is the care giver ?? Surely this child is crying??
    NO MAN!! Terrible!!!!

  7. Hi, this is more than a year old already, can’t think that this only went on facebook now.

    Regards Louis

  8. I am totaly disgusted. How must we trust any day care. I have twin boys and will not let that happen to my boys.I felt so sorry for the children that was hurt.

  9. Disgusting!! This really should be brought to authorities and justice to be taken. If that was my little girl being ill treated. I would make sure that bully was harshly dealt with

  10. I’m sorry but this child shows clear signs of psychopathy. He should not be allowed near other children ever again…

  11. Omg im so angry! What has happened to that child? Obviously he has been abused himself and has behavioral issues! I feel sick..I’d like to know what was done about it?

  12. to all saying that this video was published in 2012… thanks… that makes me feel better.

  13. this is disgusting, that bully needs one hell of a hiding This really should be brought to authorities and justice to be taken. If that was my little girl being ill treated. I would make sure that bully was harshly dealt with. its terrible and DISGUSTING!!!!!!!11

  14. The child is obviously not normal and should be in some type of special facility…hopefully this was coreected by this facility

  15. If this is a 2012 video, what was done to protect the little ones? Updated required don’t you think? I think one can book the boy childs place in jail, he will be there not so many years from now!

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